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Willow Magical Moments: 5 Highlights from Chapter 4, “The Whispers of Nockmaar”

Nightmarish visions in a haunted castle. every week for Willow Magical Moments, as we list and discuss highlights from each episode.

Spoiler warning: This article discusses details and plot points from Willow Chapter 4, “The Whispers of Nockmaar.”

Chapter 4, “The Whispers of Nockmaar,” takes a bit of a darker turn from the previous episodes, both literally and figuratively, as it follows the characters through the haunted passages, dungeons, and high tower of Nockmaar. The dreariness of the setting is offset by the usual humor from Willow, Boorman, and others, something definitely welcomed in an episode where most of the characters confront nightmarish visions of their hidden past or deepest fears. This episode is also a treat for fans of the original Willow movie, as we revisit characters and scenes from that story among the whispering hallways and dark shadows of Nockmaar Castle. Here are five highlights.

1. Bavmorda’s past.

We get to learn a bit more about Bavmorda’s past in this episode as well as the spell she attempted to use to cast Elora’s spirit to the netherworld. Bavmorda was once “bright, curious, and full of promise,” according to Willow, but was ultimately corrupted by the Crone. Kit — Bavmorda’s granddaughter — will actually experience the moment this transformation occurred, courtesy of the haunted hallways of Nockmaar.

2. Graydon’s secret.

When we see the deep scars Graydon wears from a “sickness” he had in his youth, we understand that he must be harboring a secret that has deeply affected him. When Graydon has a vision of his father and brother, we sense something is definitely amiss; it’s only later that we discover — through Elora’s vision of him — the depth of his guilt and anguish.

3. Kit and Elora have a breakthrough.

So far, Kit and Elora haven’t exactly been the best of quest-mates. Kit’s ego and jealously have been a barrier, and Elora’s lack of confidence in her magical abilities has not exactly endeared her to Kit. But, as Kit begins to recognize Elora’s skill to improvise and her compassion for others, a begrudging respect begins to emerge. In the moment it counts, Kit gives Elora the confidence she needs to save Graydon, and also discovers a belief in someone other than herself. 

4. Jade’s vision.

In a highlight for fans of the original Willow movie, we get to witness a frightening encounter between Jade and the fearsome warrior-villain from the 1988 film, General Kael. Just after Jade has a vision of her dead mother, Kael emerges from the shadows — “Now you die,” he says as he fiercely crosses swords with her. Kael is definitely dead (we see his helmet on the battlefield in the episode’s closing scenes) but we sense this encounter could be a hint of a deeper, darker truth that shadows Jade’s past.

5. Elora revisits her birth and discovers her power.

In another throwback to the original Willow feature, we are taken back to the dungeon where Elora was born. In a vision, Elora witnesses the moment before her mother’s death, and in what appears to be an extension of that original scene, Elora’s mother can actually see the older Elora standing in the doorway. It’s a powerful moment, and one that weighs heavily on Elora’s mind when she is called upon to save Graydon. Kit shakes Elora from her self-doubt, and gives her the confidence to summon the powers of her potential. It’s an important moment of friendship, but also a pivotal turning point for Elora — and we’re glad to see them both. 

Visit’s main Willow page for more on the series.

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